Archive for ‘Book Reviews’

June 18, 2010

Current Reading Materials of The Good American Post Staff

We have a good list of reading materials for those interested in many of our current affairs here in The United States of America.  Enjoy!

Suggested Reading Material from The Good American Post Staff

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Natural Capitalism by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins

End the Fed by Ron Paul

Culture of Corrpution by Michelle Malkin

The Libertarian Reader by David Boaz

“Wherever they burn books they will also,
in the end, burn human beings.”
–  Heinrich Heine

May 31, 2010

Food Rules by Michael Pollan: Rule #13 Eat Only Foods that will Eventually Rot

Have you ever seen the picture of the Happy Meal after one year of sitting on a shelf?  Well, it turns out that not too much had changed, in other words, most of that stuff in the food was NOT FOOD, but preservatives.

Food rotting or decomposing, because of bacteria or fungi, is a natural process – it is just the way our eco-systems work.  Food rotting is a sure sign that the food you have is natural, healthful, and WHOLE food, or food that is good for you.

So, when you go shopping, avoid the middle aisles, typically where “most of the immortal foodlike substances in the supermarket are found”(Pollan, 2009).

Pollan, M. (2009). Food Rules – An Eater’s Manual. New York, NY: Penguin Books.